Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wedding the Nepalese community

Wedding the Nepalese community of Chitwan is a traditional and important event. It is considered as the union of two families, not just the bride and groom. The wedding ceremony is performed with religious customs and rituals, which may vary depending on the caste, ethnicity, and religion of the couple.

Preparations for the wedding usually begin months in advance. The families of the bride and groom arrange a formal meeting, known as the "mun daura," where the marriage proposal is discussed and approved. The families then start preparing for the wedding by purchasing clothes, jewelry, and other necessary items.

The wedding day is marked by a series of rituals, including the "Jayamala," where the bride and groom exchange flower garlands, and the "Saatphere," where the couple takes seven vows in front of the sacred fire. The bride is then adorned with traditional Nepalese jewelry, including a "Tikka," a red vermilion powder applied to her forehead, symbolizing wedding.

The wedding feast, known as "Bhoj," is an elaborate affair, where friends and family members gather to celebrate the union of the couple. It includes a variety of traditional dishes, music, and dance performances.

In conclusion, marriage in the Nepalese community of Chitwan is an important event that is steeped in tradition and rituals. It brings together two families and is celebrated with joy, music, and feasting.

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